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Feed Your Body: Trail Mix Bars Recipe

Sometimes feeding your body can do more than just nourish you physically, it can lift your spirits and offer comfort. Even better is when that food is actually food. Sometimes it's not about comfort at all, but feeling rushed and needing something good but fast! Or maybe it's a day that you just need a little something between meals.

Granola bars used to be such an option, but with all the nasty additives and ingredients, it really wasn't nourishing me, just spiking my blood sugar and giving me instant heartburn after a single bite. (I am NOT kidding!)

Several months ago I was really wanting to find an option for granola bars that didn't give me heartburn, literally and figuratively. Plus, I was trying to really watch my grains because my digestion was still struggling and I noticed it was grains that would trigger a lot of the issues I had been having.

One day as I was desperately hungry for a snack I happened across a trail mix bar at the checkout stand at Ace Hardware. It was mildly sweet and overall very satisfying, although I was still not happy with the ingredient list, even though it was a huge improvement.

On the bright side, it didn't give me heartburn, and it also helped me not add an extra $100 to the grocery cart from shopping hungry!

When I got home I looked for options and ordered a case of this particular brand and used them here and there as I needed something on the go. The biggest issue was they were pricey, and I still wasn't completely happy with the ingredients. The one's I bought had been on clearance and deeply discounted because they were a week or so past expiration, but even with that they were about $0.50 each, and usually run closer to $2 each.

I thought to myself, it couldn't be that difficult to recreate using real food ingredients. So I went to work and what I made turned out even better with a very affordable price!

Today I want to share it with you. There are two options. One uses honey the other an IMO syrup. I'm not fully certain where I stand with the IMO syrup because I can't make it, grow it, or harvest it myself, and I don't think I would let it qualify as a "real food", however, for anyone who really needs to avoid sugars, this is the option. Pick your battles.

I hope you love it as much as I do, (and the boys in Cub Scouts, and my son's girlfriend)!

These aren't the greatest picture of the Trail Mix Bars, but until my photographer

hubby can take some better ones, this is better than nothing.

If you have any questions, you are always welcome to email me. I look forward to hearing from you!

All my love, and Be Well…


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